Sunday, August 29, 2010

Memories - worth to keep?

memories can be bitter can be sweet....can be sour can be keep memories meaning to keep some certain feeling to is the feeling that created when we were together with is the feeling when we look at something...the feeling does feel very good at the moment we had found it...but the feeling is not necessary to feel good when we recall it back...usually during recalling tyme...we will have other feeling mixed up together...

yu ffel pain and teribly sad when yu look at your newly born abay...yu swear to yourself..."i am not going to give birth anymore..." a few years later..."owh...i am pregnant again..." well, during that few years...the feeling of sad and pain when delivering come and go...yu feel it is teribly pain...but yu feel enjoyable...ahaks...

at the very moment...of course the feeling for certain memories is very strong...but when we calm down...or after some times...the feeling for that certain memories will be changed or altered... questions is...worth to keep memories that will not maintain its original feeling?

haha...i do not know...but i like to forget all the momories and incident i had seen start a new tomolo...but i just never make it...ahahahahah....

Friday, August 20, 2010

Love the feeling and not really the person....

There are a few quotes which is very important to us. The very first I knew is the quote: money is everything. As I grown up, I had realized that money is not everything but without money you can do nothing. This had been so true in my life. Money really not everything but sometimes when I had come to a state where I lack of money, I realize that without money, I cannot do anything. Do you think you can survive in today’s community without a cent in your pocket? Begging for food or die of hunger? I think you have your own answer. Malaysia is the same in terms of reality; nothing much different from other developing country or moral – depleting country.
Well, when it comes to love. I had got myself to know that love is a need for everyone but not all of us are able to have it. Sometimes, when I saw a couple holding hand, I use to think: how long will they be able to hold their hands together that tightly? I never believe in true love because I know that no matter how much you love a person, the feeling will soon deplete and you will need to find another person to love with. However, recent incident had made a very different view for me.
When a couple holds their hands together, it is very dependent on each of the couple to hold it. My second sister had got married a few weeks ago. I saw her picture with her husband. At that moment, I thought to myself that how long can she be in the happily ever after state as I can seen on her face. I had being very negative on that all these while. However, when it comes to me, I am nothing much different from my second sister.
When we are in love or we hold the hand of the person that we think we can rely on for the rest of your life, we had gambled our destiny on that person. At the same time, he or she that we relied on also gambled his or her destiny on us. Well, this gambling is a large bet. Once you lose, you lost most of your everything. Your family, your happiness and of course your tiny fracture of your life. Maybe I am wrong; a large fragment of your life and memories will be destroyed by the loosing of this gambling. If you think you had win the gambling and you can have your price of happily ever after, I can ensure you that you are just day dreaming. This is because love between two people is very fracture. It can build u easily and it can break down double speed as it builds up.
Seems to give up in love actually but there is another view in love. Love between two people is very fragile. This is very true as you can see in a marriage couple with children. They can divorce after a night of quarrel or maybe they can break up due to a slippage in a dinner night. However, the love in each of the couple is very strong. Although they had divorce, the feeling in each of them for the other is still very deep and lovely. This might be due to the feeling of existence for the time that they had been together. We had used to the existence of that person in our lives. Nevertheless, we do not really want him or her to be out of sight, out of mind. This is rarely happened. Believe it or not, when a couple divorce, they sit, they eat, they drink or even they sleep…the memories of them being together always pop up in their mind. Some called this as memories but I call this as a feeling of loss.
At the moment we had bonded up with a person, we had started to accumulate the memories in our memories. We had gather all the feelings, things, mood, whether and all those happening things, dead or living materials into our memories. At that moment, the person that we love is the person that we hold his or her hand. However, after sometimes we are no longer love that person we hold our hand with. Instead, we love the feeling of his existence beside us. We love it when he or she beside us when we had dinner. We love it when he or she beside us when we watch movie. We love it when he or she is beside us when we sleep. The feeling of his or her existence had already taken a very firm place in our heart and this place is hardly can be replace by other. There is an acceptance for this feeling among those Casanova… dun be mistaken, the male or female whore sometime had a even greater deeper love feeling than a highly status woman or man…
I had fallen in love with this particular person (#) and we had broken up after being together for 2 years. After the cool period of breaking down, I had found out the feeling I had written above. I do not know whether I love # anymore or not but all I know is that I love the feeling of # existence in my life…to #, I really hope that we can be together for the rest of our lives. Although I knew that it is some sort impossible for you, but I really hope that day will come…

Love the feeling and not really the person....

There are a few quotes which is very important to us. The very first I knew is the quote: money is everything. As I grown up, I had realized that money is not everything but without money you can do nothing. This had been so true in my life. Money really not everything but sometimes when I had come to a state where I lack of money, I realize that without money, I cannot do anything. Do you think you can survive in today’s community without a cent in your pocket? Begging for food or die of hunger? I think you have your own answer. Malaysia is the same in terms of reality; nothing much different from other developing country or moral – depleting country.
Well, when it comes to love. I had got myself to know that love is a need for everyone but not all of us are able to have it. Sometimes, when I saw a couple holding hand, I use to think: how long will they be able to hold their hands together that tightly? I never believe in true love because I know that no matter how much you love a person, the feeling will soon deplete and you will need to find another person to love with. However, recent incident had made a very different view for me.
When a couple holds their hands together, it is very dependent on each of the couple to hold it. My second sister had got married a few weeks ago. I saw her picture with her husband. At that moment, I thought to myself that how long can she be in the happily ever after state as I can seen on her face. I had being very negative on that all these while. However, when it comes to me, I am nothing much different from my second sister.
When we are in love or we hold the hand of the person that we think we can rely on for the rest of your life, we had gambled our destiny on that person. At the same time, he or she that we relied on also gambled his or her destiny on us. Well, this gambling is a large bet. Once you lose, you lost most of your everything. Your family, your happiness and of course your tiny fracture of your life. Maybe I am wrong; a large fragment of your life and memories will be destroyed by the loosing of this gambling. If you think you had win the gambling and you can have your price of happily ever after, I can ensure you that you are just day dreaming. This is because love between two people is very fracture. It can build u easily and it can break down double speed as it builds up.
Seems to give up in love actually but there is another view in love. Love between two people is very fragile. This is very true as you can see in a marriage couple with children. They can divorce after a night of quarrel or maybe they can break up due to a slippage in a dinner night. However, the love in each of the couple is very strong. Although they had divorce, the feeling in each of them for the other is still very deep and lovely. This might be due to the feeling of existence for the time that they had been together. We had used to the existence of that person in our lives. Nevertheless, we do not really want him or her to be out of sight, out of mind. This is rarely happened. Believe it or not, when a couple divorce, they sit, they eat, they drink or even they sleep…the memories of them being together always pop up in their mind. Some called this as memories but I call this as a feeling of loss.
At the moment we had bonded up with a person, we had started to accumulate the memories in our memories. We had gather all the feelings, things, mood, whether and all those happening things, dead or living materials into our memories. At that moment, the person that we love is the person that we hold his or her hand. However, after sometimes we are no longer love that person we hold our hand with. Instead, we love the feeling of his existence beside us. We love it when he or she beside us when we had dinner. We love it when he or she beside us when we watch movie. We love it when he or she is beside us when we sleep. The feeling of his or her existence had already taken a very firm place in our heart and this place is hardly can be replace by other. There is an acceptance for this feeling among those Casanova… dun be mistaken, the male or female whore sometime had a even greater deeper love feeling than a highly status woman or man…
I had fallen in love with this particular person (#) and we had broken up after being together for 2 years. After the cool period of breaking down, I had found out the feeling I had written above. I do not know whether I love # anymore or not but all I know is that I love the feeling of # existence in my life…to #, I really hope that we can be together for the rest of our lives. Although I knew that it is some sort impossible for you, but I really hope that day will come…

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Antara mencari dan menemui….

Hidup kita yang dikatakan singkat ini Nampak macam tidak singkat tapi pada masa yang sama juga merupakan satu tempoh yang panjang…tiada saper – saper yang dapat menentukan sama ada hidup adalah panjang atau pendek. Ramai juga yang tidak pernah pikirkan persoalan ini juga sebab bagi mereka memikirkan adalah satu pembaziran tenaga. Semua ini adalah betul apabila seseorang individu itu belum menemui kehidupan di mana dier tidak perlu mencari dan menunggu untuk menemui apa yang diingini.
Sering kali dalam hidup, kita akan mencari dan mengusahakan sesuatu untuk menhiasi hidup kita. Tidak lain tidak bukan, secara umumnya umat manusia sentiasa mencari impiam, harapan dan juga keinginan…selagi mereka tidak menemuinya, mereka akan mencari dan mencari. Namun apabila mereka dah menemui, perkara itu tidak semestinyer alaah sesuatu yang mengembirakan. Hal ini kerana menemui apa yang dicarikan selama ini mungkin akan memberikan nokhtah titik kepada makna kehidupan kelak.
Ada juga sesetengah pihak yang akan bergembira selepas menemui perkara yang ingin dicarikan. Namun sejauh mana kegembiraan itu akan membawa individu itu dan kegembiraan itu akan bertahan sementara atau akan berkekalan. Semestinya jawa[annya adalah sementara. Tiada perkara yang akan berkekalan di dunia ini.
Apbila kita mencari sesuatu, kita akan menentukan apa yang kami ingin temui nanti…namun setiap pencarian itu tidak semestinya menjamin kita akan menemui apa yang kami inginkan. Kadang kala, walaupon tidak menjumpai apa yang kami ingin temui, kita sebenarnya menemui perkara lain yang tidak didugakan. Jadi, apakah maknanya pencarian sedangkan perkara yang ingin dicari tidak semestinya adalah perkara yang akan dan ingin ditemui….
Dalam persoalan cinta, kita sering kali ingin mencari jodoh yang benar…ingin menemui takdir yang sebenar…ingin menjumpai orang yang kami benar – benar cintai. Namun selepas menemuinya, kita akan bergembira tetapi tidak akan berpanjangan. Cinta sejati yang dianggap telah ditemui itu sebenarnya tidak memberikan jaminan sepanjang umur. Kadang kala, dalam mencari pasangan yang sejati dan takdir yang sepatutnya, kita akan menemui diri kita yang berlainan dan mencarikan pasangan yang berlainan…jadi apakah maknanya nanti sekiranya pasangan ideal itu sudah ditemui….

Thursday, August 5, 2010

four seasons and a result of living body without a soul....

Most of us will ask whether winter come first of summer come first…no one will know the answer because the first person who watch this flow of the four seasons eventually not going to remember it…I bet during the formation of the seasons in the four seasons country, the first person who experience the four seasons never tends to remember it…they some sort like it is just something normal that they had to go through. Nothing much to be remember and it will be something that will be bring down towards the generations.
As for me…the four seasons are just like a love relationship. If you ask me which (summer or winter) comes first…I will said that the winter started first. In a relationship, it started with the coldness. Each individual have a very cold hearted for their feeling. No much love had been put into their heart. Nevertheless, they feel very empty but they do not know it by themselves. This is what we cal as the teenage stage. Thus, they tend to find something to fill in the emptiness. Then later we named it as puppy love. It is a kind of reaction where the teenage try to mature up the emptiness by filling it with the temporary love feeling…however, those love feeling shall never fill up the emptiness for most of the individuals. Thus, it is always end up with in a break up relationship. Although it is a puppy love but it is still the first love in an individual’s life and it is at the very bottom of the emptiness that needs to be filled. Thus, we so called the first love is the most unbearable love…it is the most unforgettable…well…normal…those at the bottom will always support those at the top no matter how big it was…
As time pass by, the spring is rolling in. In this season the mood turns up to be very temperate and lovely…the heat is moderate and caring. Just like in a love relationship. The now newly in love couples very tenderly to each other and loves each other in full force…that is spring… in spring the plants and flower started to bloom and spent their new life. Same thing happen to each individual of a couple. Each of them has a new aim and new plan for their life. It is a brand new life. As the season continues…the earth continues its spinning and move on, the temperature began to rise up. In a relationship, their temper is increasing for each other…their patient nevertheless fell increasing for each other as well…why? This is a very simple question to answer. When then temper of each other increases for each other in a relationship, the tolerance and the patient will as well needed to be doubled so that they can maintain the stability in the relationship, the tenderly heat and warmth slowly becoming lesser and lesser. For most of the couples, the tenderly heat such as the romances and the surprises getting worn out due to the increasing sunlight and heat.
Now the heat and the temperature had brings the couple into the summer. Now it is hot and timid. Sometimes it can be very warm that we can feel the aura from far….sometimes we cannot feel anything except the pain of our skin when the sun strikes. This is also very true in a relationship. In this period of a relationship, both individuals of a couple will sometimes feel the lovely feeling that each other pour in. However, most of the time they can feel the heat burning and frying up the body rather than the warmth they felt as what happened in the winter.
Then, the autumn comes making the view of the surrounding very sad. Most of the tree is losing their leaves. In a relationship, they had loss their sweet memories. They had forgotten how they come across each other. They had loss their temperament for each other. They loss their telepathic feel and sense for each other. It is just like a tree that loss its leaves day by day without any new leaves being produced. Soon the tree is just a naked trunk. In a relationship, both of the individuals stay together mostly by the bonding that had builds up throughout the winter, spring and summer. But it is lifeless, just like the naked tree trunk, living but without any sign of newborn leaves. Most of the green leaves that nourishes enough during the previous seasons had fallen down to the grave…everything seems to be cool and cold…
Now it comes back to winter again. Some of the couples are able to maintain their love for each other and they might find a new spring between themselves after all...however, most of them will need to find a need partner to meet the new spring. Whenever it reaches the winter, the emptiness feeling will be back. Due to the situation where you had have a love relationship before, the emptiness you feel in this winter is doubly worse…it is just like a living body without a soul.
This is how I describe the four season compare to a love relationship. It is very true that not every couple will go through these four seasons. Some of them really able to make it through and found a new spring between themselves but most of the cases, I think is not that lucky…if it is really that lucky then we won’t have so many divorce cases…
Hehe….my love life experience making and converting me into a living body without a soul now…..
For those who is on a date…appreciate each other and ensure the spring have a longer time for both of yu….good luck….