I still remember that day very clearly. I woke up very late that day. It is almost afternoon when I woke up. However, the sky does not seem to be in the afternoon mood. It was very solemn and very cloudy. I expected it to rain before evening drop by.
Just an hour after I wake up, it was already raining heavily. I was trapped in the rain, in the middle of the road as I just finish my lunch. No much choice left, I got to park my motor and wait under the crossover bridge while I wait for the rain to get smaller. Since the rain was quite heavy, I can seen some temporary small streams of rain water flowing from the north side of the pathway across my feet to the lower land on the other side.
Sometimes life is just like those temporary small streams of rain water. Our lives are very short and temporary. No one can clearly know when will be the dateline of their own lives. Just like the little stream, they exist and flow when the rain is heavy. They are gone when there is no rain and no one even wanna bother about their existence. However, when rain comes…they are seen everywhere…some being noticed and some just flow by the course of nature without being notice. This is lives. Some people in this world lived to be known by the whole world and some live just to be known by themselves.
Although different but all of us are having the same nature; flowing down the pathway to the lower land. This is a course that we must pass through and we must follow the nature that we are moving to the lower land. Heavy rain will create a larger stream and a greater force of flow. You can bring along all the dust rubbish and those dry leaves along your course. But still you are flowing to the lower land and meet together with all other small stream. So, what is the different?
Smaller stream are not capable in bringing along all those larger leaves, dust and rubbish. But they still need to flow due to nature of gravity. Living in this world, we are very much affected by the nature. However, we tend to be like the large stream of rain water. We thought that we can bring along all those materials and fames along our lives… yes, it might be true that we can bring along all those fame and materials but do not forget that one day; we will be having the same ending - being accumulated in a lower land together with all other smaller streams.
Looking at the smaller stream and larger stream which is next to it, I keep on thinking about one things: how much can we brings along the course of our lives and what can we do with those things we bring along? What can we do when it is time for us to really said goodbye to certain things that we cannot really bring along? Just like the small stream, we still need to flow. If we do not follow te course, we will be accumulated at one area and over flooded. It is still okie if there is no one around to being drown together with you…what if, your stop, the flood that drown yourself had drown other as well?
It is time to really look back in our lives, those materials and fame that we created not necessary needed to be bringing along the course of modernization. Look at those older people, what they have now is what we are going to have as well one day. But the world doesn’t seem to understand as all of us is fighting for the material and fame. Is it a fight that never call for its day until dooms hit? What is important during the course of flow in our lives now? Can anyone really see the real answer for themselves?
Although I can write this out, I had the answer but I tend to ignore it. Do I have a choice? The world nowadays is a world formed by the term of necessary and not necessity…people in the older days live and formed the world based on necessity and not necessary… nowadays, it is necessary to get yourself a degree level to work in the community. It is no longer a necessity for you to work…doesn’t matter it is necessary or necessity, one day…very soon all of us will be like the streams of rain water…being accumulated in the lower land…this is a assurance…
Monday, January 17, 2011
Anak Pelayar...
Wahai anak pelayar
Makin jauh kau belayar,
Makin jauh kau membawa diri,
Adakah anda sedari,
Sepanjang perjalanan engkau ini,
Tiada harta dan ilmu yang dimiliki kau,
Semua yang dibawa dalam perjalananmu,
Adalah satu sedekah,
Satu pinjaman dan bukan satu pemilikan,
Pelayaran kini adalah suatu pergantungan,
Suatu rayuan, suatu permintaan,
Kapal kau makin lama makin luas,
Kapal kau dibuatnya asal kayu kini emas jadinya,
Kapal kau asal di sungai kini gah menghadap laut,
Namun, kau masih lagi dalam pelayaran,
Pelayaran yang penuh pergantungan,
Pelayaran yang berharap,
Pelayaran yang berupa satu sedekah,
Daripada insan yang bergelar bonda,
Insan yang bergelar ayahanda,
Dan dilengkapkan
Dengan mereka yang kau panggil guru.
Pada masa kini, mahasiswa mahasiswi kadang kala terlalu membawa diri sehinggakan mereka lupa daratan. Mereka terlalu berlagak dengan identiti diri mereka selaku mahasiswa tetapi sedarkah mereka bahawa identiti mereka ini sebenarnya merupakan satu aset yang dipinjam dan disedekahkan oleh insan yang mereka gelar ibu dan bapa. Tanpa mereka, adakah anda mampu untuk meneruskan pengajian anda di universiti?
Segala perbelanjaan dan tanggungan kos hidup anda di universiti adalah di bahu mereka yang tidak pernah mengenal penat dan lelah. Tidak juga mereka pernah mengeluh walaupon sepatah dua kata. Tapi adakah mahasiswa yang ditanggung oleh mereka ini menghargai segala – galanya?
Walaupun mencapai keputusan yang bagus, mendapat anugerah yang tinggi dan mendapat gelaran yang gempak mana pon, semuanya sebenarnya bukan milik anda. Segala yang anda peroleh pada masa kini sebagai seorang mahasiswa adalah satu pinjaman yang anda tidak perlu minta daripada insan yang memberi tanpa mengharapkan balasan. Segala pujian yang anda peroleh selaku seorang mahasiswa juaga bukan milik anda sepenuhnya. Mereka juga merupakan sebahagian daripada gelaran yang anda miliki. Tanpa mereka memberi tanpa mengenal balasan...adakah anda mampu mengelar diri anda mahasiswa?
Meskipun, ada insan yang menyumbang hidup anda di universiti...jangan anda lupa terhadap mereka yang memberi anda ilmu. Tanpa mereka, adakah anda mampu untuk berada di menara gading... Mampukah anda yang bergelar mahasiswa ini mencipta nama di pustaka dunia?
Wahai mahasiswa, janganlah anda berlagak kerana anda digelar mahasiswa. Hal ini kerana gelaran itu bukan milik anda sepenuhnya. Anda cuma meminjam gelaran tersebut...mengambil sedekah tersebut tanpa perlu merayu...kedudukan anda kini di universiti...adalah satu hasil semua pihak yang telah banyak berkorban untuk anda yang bergelar mahasiswa....
Tanyalah diri anda: apakah erti ‘mahasiswa’ bagi diri anda? Perlukan anda berlagak dengan sesuatu yang bukan milik anda sepenuhnyer? Sedarlah wahai kawanku.....
Makin jauh kau belayar,
Makin jauh kau membawa diri,
Adakah anda sedari,
Sepanjang perjalanan engkau ini,
Tiada harta dan ilmu yang dimiliki kau,
Semua yang dibawa dalam perjalananmu,
Adalah satu sedekah,
Satu pinjaman dan bukan satu pemilikan,
Pelayaran kini adalah suatu pergantungan,
Suatu rayuan, suatu permintaan,
Kapal kau makin lama makin luas,
Kapal kau dibuatnya asal kayu kini emas jadinya,
Kapal kau asal di sungai kini gah menghadap laut,
Namun, kau masih lagi dalam pelayaran,
Pelayaran yang penuh pergantungan,
Pelayaran yang berharap,
Pelayaran yang berupa satu sedekah,
Daripada insan yang bergelar bonda,
Insan yang bergelar ayahanda,
Dan dilengkapkan
Dengan mereka yang kau panggil guru.
Pada masa kini, mahasiswa mahasiswi kadang kala terlalu membawa diri sehinggakan mereka lupa daratan. Mereka terlalu berlagak dengan identiti diri mereka selaku mahasiswa tetapi sedarkah mereka bahawa identiti mereka ini sebenarnya merupakan satu aset yang dipinjam dan disedekahkan oleh insan yang mereka gelar ibu dan bapa. Tanpa mereka, adakah anda mampu untuk meneruskan pengajian anda di universiti?
Segala perbelanjaan dan tanggungan kos hidup anda di universiti adalah di bahu mereka yang tidak pernah mengenal penat dan lelah. Tidak juga mereka pernah mengeluh walaupon sepatah dua kata. Tapi adakah mahasiswa yang ditanggung oleh mereka ini menghargai segala – galanya?
Walaupun mencapai keputusan yang bagus, mendapat anugerah yang tinggi dan mendapat gelaran yang gempak mana pon, semuanya sebenarnya bukan milik anda. Segala yang anda peroleh pada masa kini sebagai seorang mahasiswa adalah satu pinjaman yang anda tidak perlu minta daripada insan yang memberi tanpa mengharapkan balasan. Segala pujian yang anda peroleh selaku seorang mahasiswa juaga bukan milik anda sepenuhnya. Mereka juga merupakan sebahagian daripada gelaran yang anda miliki. Tanpa mereka memberi tanpa mengenal balasan...adakah anda mampu mengelar diri anda mahasiswa?
Meskipun, ada insan yang menyumbang hidup anda di universiti...jangan anda lupa terhadap mereka yang memberi anda ilmu. Tanpa mereka, adakah anda mampu untuk berada di menara gading... Mampukah anda yang bergelar mahasiswa ini mencipta nama di pustaka dunia?
Wahai mahasiswa, janganlah anda berlagak kerana anda digelar mahasiswa. Hal ini kerana gelaran itu bukan milik anda sepenuhnya. Anda cuma meminjam gelaran tersebut...mengambil sedekah tersebut tanpa perlu merayu...kedudukan anda kini di universiti...adalah satu hasil semua pihak yang telah banyak berkorban untuk anda yang bergelar mahasiswa....
Tanyalah diri anda: apakah erti ‘mahasiswa’ bagi diri anda? Perlukan anda berlagak dengan sesuatu yang bukan milik anda sepenuhnyer? Sedarlah wahai kawanku.....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
just before it is too late......
Recently, I had watched a few movies. It talks about loves and separation of the couples. Well, this can be very true as well in our daily lives. Most of the times, we had planned many thing for the coming moment in our lives. For example, I want to eat KFC tomorrow, I want to buy a car tomorrow, I want to play the game tomorrow, I wanna prepare some fresh milk for my beloved breakfast and the list continue. However, fate and destiny will determine whether each and every listed item can be realized or not. It is not us that is going to make it a reality.
One of my friends had recently involved in an accident. It had made me think of a lot of things. If he had passed away in that accident is there anything he will regret for? Does he spend enough time with his beloved one? Has he told the people around him what he thinks about them? Well, has he finished all the listed items he wants to do before he breathes out his last breath?
Men are species that learn through pain and self regret. It is very typical that someone do not really appreciate the things, people and the nature that surround him or her. It is up to the moment that he or she had felt the lost of it…the person involve will start to be in deep regret and great pain. The regret of not really spending enough time with the things that existed besides him or her all the time….to be in pain for the lost that he or she had experience. To be in pain of the blame that he or she had to face. This is typical way the lives on earth that everyone is gaining and experiencing.
No matter how much you said, I appreciate the things existed beside me, I had spent most of my times with my beloved one, I had do all the listed items I want to do in the future…by the moment you breathe out the last breath…you will feel unsatisfied and deep regret. Not just you but the thing that existed around you….
If my friend had passed away in that particular accident, I can felt the deep regret and pain in his heart. This is because there are too many things that he wants to tells the person beside him, there are still a lot of things that he wanna do. However, it is all too late. He had left. There is no point because there is no turning back. I an be for sure, I will be in pain as well because there are also things that I wanna do with him…there are times that I wanna spent with him, with my friends…but he already left the world and I cannot see him talking to me, listening to my or even just a simple look on me…there is no return….i had to move on….
Appreciate your beloved friends, lovers, family and persons that love you before everything is too late for the last speech to be voice out….it is never too late to say….i love you more that I can….spent the most time with him so that there is no regret when he or she left you….we are not God…we dun have the power to control life but we had the power to show our feeling and loves to each others…..
One of my friends had recently involved in an accident. It had made me think of a lot of things. If he had passed away in that accident is there anything he will regret for? Does he spend enough time with his beloved one? Has he told the people around him what he thinks about them? Well, has he finished all the listed items he wants to do before he breathes out his last breath?
Men are species that learn through pain and self regret. It is very typical that someone do not really appreciate the things, people and the nature that surround him or her. It is up to the moment that he or she had felt the lost of it…the person involve will start to be in deep regret and great pain. The regret of not really spending enough time with the things that existed besides him or her all the time….to be in pain for the lost that he or she had experience. To be in pain of the blame that he or she had to face. This is typical way the lives on earth that everyone is gaining and experiencing.
No matter how much you said, I appreciate the things existed beside me, I had spent most of my times with my beloved one, I had do all the listed items I want to do in the future…by the moment you breathe out the last breath…you will feel unsatisfied and deep regret. Not just you but the thing that existed around you….
If my friend had passed away in that particular accident, I can felt the deep regret and pain in his heart. This is because there are too many things that he wants to tells the person beside him, there are still a lot of things that he wanna do. However, it is all too late. He had left. There is no point because there is no turning back. I an be for sure, I will be in pain as well because there are also things that I wanna do with him…there are times that I wanna spent with him, with my friends…but he already left the world and I cannot see him talking to me, listening to my or even just a simple look on me…there is no return….i had to move on….
Appreciate your beloved friends, lovers, family and persons that love you before everything is too late for the last speech to be voice out….it is never too late to say….i love you more that I can….spent the most time with him so that there is no regret when he or she left you….we are not God…we dun have the power to control life but we had the power to show our feeling and loves to each others…..
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Do I Miss Something?
As time pass by, life goes on, we gain maturity and at the same time we were travelling nearer towards the end of our journey. As we get nearer towards the end, there is one question that might always comes into my mind, “Did I miss something in my life?”
I had being always asking myself this questions. As we move through our life journey, we do not have enough hands to hold and grabs everything we had seen. We are not capable to do everything that we wanted to. There must be things that we had to left behind and continue our journey to the front. If we remain at the same point to finish something, we never see what is waiting for us in front.
Recently, I had come across a few events. All seems so interesting and important for me. However, I am not capable to have all of them together. Not all at once. However, I was too greedy. I still wanna have all of them too. Thus, I had done nothing but delaying. Stop myself at this point without any decision made, without any efforts to move forwards. I had stop there waiting for the correct timing and grab all those things I wanted before continuing my journey. It was a very childish thinking of me.
As time pass by, I was just like day dreaming. Sometimes, I really hope that time will promise a solution for all the choices available for me. This is because I do not know how to choose. I believe time can provide me an answer. However, this is not always a happy ending solution because there are times where things shall be solved by me myself. No one can help me as the nature of times does not provide me any answer, the nature of stress and forces also not promising any answer. All that had to be done is just a decision that I had to make for myself.
Haiz….human are so tiny. Although we can predict what is suppose to happen, I believe that as time pass by a solution will appear to solve all the problems, I strongly behave like a normal person but it is just an imaginations….when can I be awaken from this imagination? This answer for this question is simple – make decision and move on….what did I miss? To move on, we had to carry on something with us…we had to left something behind us…that is the way of life….
I had being always asking myself this questions. As we move through our life journey, we do not have enough hands to hold and grabs everything we had seen. We are not capable to do everything that we wanted to. There must be things that we had to left behind and continue our journey to the front. If we remain at the same point to finish something, we never see what is waiting for us in front.
Recently, I had come across a few events. All seems so interesting and important for me. However, I am not capable to have all of them together. Not all at once. However, I was too greedy. I still wanna have all of them too. Thus, I had done nothing but delaying. Stop myself at this point without any decision made, without any efforts to move forwards. I had stop there waiting for the correct timing and grab all those things I wanted before continuing my journey. It was a very childish thinking of me.
As time pass by, I was just like day dreaming. Sometimes, I really hope that time will promise a solution for all the choices available for me. This is because I do not know how to choose. I believe time can provide me an answer. However, this is not always a happy ending solution because there are times where things shall be solved by me myself. No one can help me as the nature of times does not provide me any answer, the nature of stress and forces also not promising any answer. All that had to be done is just a decision that I had to make for myself.
Haiz….human are so tiny. Although we can predict what is suppose to happen, I believe that as time pass by a solution will appear to solve all the problems, I strongly behave like a normal person but it is just an imaginations….when can I be awaken from this imagination? This answer for this question is simple – make decision and move on….what did I miss? To move on, we had to carry on something with us…we had to left something behind us…that is the way of life….
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wahai pelangi
Engkau cuma sejalur kain berwarna
panjangmu tak sampai sedepa langit
Apakah erti hadirmu pada langit ini
Apakah dayamu menandingi langit ini
oh pelangi
apakah kuasa kamu
apakah sihir kamu
anak adam semua terlupakan langit
wahai anak adam,
jangan engkau lupa,
pelangiitu berkunjung sementara
pelangi itu datang membawa indah
ia juga datang membawa hampa dan bala
anak – anak adam
pelangi hanya sekadar hiasan
langitlah punca sumbermu
langitlah punca nafasmu
langitlah inilah asas hidupmu
jangan engkau anak adam
terpesona dan terpedaya
pelangi indah menawan
penakluk hati yang suci
penebus hati yang berkecai nanti
sedarlah anak adam….
Lihatlah pada langit
Ia sentiasa bersamamu….
Tanpa masa dan waktu…
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Life : it is always road not taken….
Sometimes, I really hope that I was not given any choices when it is time to decide something. Choices will just leave the decision undecided. This is very true. Sometimes, when we were forced to choose the only option available, the decision must be made and carried doesn’t matter by hook or by crook. Well, this is life.
There are times when we really need some options to choose. There are also times where we never hope the choices were available so that we can proceed. The question is why choices will seem to make things undecided. Well, this is simple. Let say if you are lost in the big city, if there is not much branchy road then you can reach the other end very soon and you will know where are you going to stop. However, if the road you lost is branchy road, there are too many choices for you to choose and decide before you can reach the other end. Sometimes, you really regretted your choice and want to move back and walk the other road that you didn’t choose. This is why the time is longer because your footstep never in one pace and distinction.
After all, you will always want to move to the front but your heart is always being hold back by the other option you didn’t choose. Well, it is always the road not taken. Life there is no return. When the decision had been decided, we have to move on. There is no point turning back because you will need to restart all over again. Yes, it is true that you can restart all over again but my question will be how many times do you have to restart all over again? The reality is that how much life do you have to restart all over again?
Not just that, the efforts and the impact for one to start all over again are not just involve on that particular person. It is a very high amplitude decision that affect al the people around him or her. Simple question will an overall view of his situation I stated: do you think you can remarry another person when you found that your husband or wife was not the right person for you? Well, nowadays people will say it is easy, just divorce and that is it. Life is not that simple. The elderly will know what lies behind a divorce and what lies behind a marriage that not really understood by the people nowadays. Well, this days people want a simple life but actually they messing an playing with daily chores that make their lives more complicated and complex.
Well, life can be very simple. Just decide what it is suppose to decide and move on. No matter the pros and cons the decision that we had decided, we had to take it up and life goes on. If look carefully, those pros and cons is what we so called a conclusion of our lives when we breathe out our last breath. Life is always the road not taken but let the road not taken jealous on us rather than we jealous on the road not taken….
There are times when we really need some options to choose. There are also times where we never hope the choices were available so that we can proceed. The question is why choices will seem to make things undecided. Well, this is simple. Let say if you are lost in the big city, if there is not much branchy road then you can reach the other end very soon and you will know where are you going to stop. However, if the road you lost is branchy road, there are too many choices for you to choose and decide before you can reach the other end. Sometimes, you really regretted your choice and want to move back and walk the other road that you didn’t choose. This is why the time is longer because your footstep never in one pace and distinction.
After all, you will always want to move to the front but your heart is always being hold back by the other option you didn’t choose. Well, it is always the road not taken. Life there is no return. When the decision had been decided, we have to move on. There is no point turning back because you will need to restart all over again. Yes, it is true that you can restart all over again but my question will be how many times do you have to restart all over again? The reality is that how much life do you have to restart all over again?
Not just that, the efforts and the impact for one to start all over again are not just involve on that particular person. It is a very high amplitude decision that affect al the people around him or her. Simple question will an overall view of his situation I stated: do you think you can remarry another person when you found that your husband or wife was not the right person for you? Well, nowadays people will say it is easy, just divorce and that is it. Life is not that simple. The elderly will know what lies behind a divorce and what lies behind a marriage that not really understood by the people nowadays. Well, this days people want a simple life but actually they messing an playing with daily chores that make their lives more complicated and complex.
Well, life can be very simple. Just decide what it is suppose to decide and move on. No matter the pros and cons the decision that we had decided, we had to take it up and life goes on. If look carefully, those pros and cons is what we so called a conclusion of our lives when we breathe out our last breath. Life is always the road not taken but let the road not taken jealous on us rather than we jealous on the road not taken….
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pen or Pencil...
This evening I am having the Biostatic quiz before the lecture ended. The questions were projected on the screen and we need to answer both of the questions. After reading the question, I had pop out with a silly question that sound: “Miss X, can I use pencil to answer the quiz?”
Well, an university student is asking the lecturer whether he can use a pencil to answer his quiz or not. At first I thought it was nothing. I assume it is part of the jokes of the day. After hearing the answer from Miss X, I suddenly think that it is a joke of my life. Her answer is: “Hmm, answer it with pen la…this must be very not confident with yourself. That is why you want to use pencil.”
Like usual, I will deny most of the answer provided by this Miss X. however, this time I had a very different feeling. I had thought a lot about what she said throughout the quiz. My dear reader, think twice…when do we use pencil to write most of the things in our daily lives? When do we use pen to write down all the important notes daily? Think again…
When we are small, I mean when we are kid in the primary school, we were taught to use pencil to write and we were provided with an eraser. When we had written wrong, we can just simply erase the wrongly written letter or words. Then, we rewrite to correct the mistake written earlier. This somehow makes writing seem to have nothing wrong just that there are a bit dirt behind our writing. It sometimes seems to be like the water mark and make the writing perfectly match it.
As we grew older, we are into the maturity phase of our lives. As we enter this phase of life, we had come across many new things and new feeling that we seldom come across as a kid. On of the item being introduce is using the pen. I still remember when I was in Standard 6, most of my friends wanted to use a pen so badly in their homework. I was questioning myself about that. I am wondering why they so wanted to use a pen? For me both the pen and pencil are the same. This is especially black inked pen.
As I enter Form 1, we were asked and forced to use pen to manage our daily homework and teachers usually requires a blue inked pen for that. Just like pencil, we were being introduced with ‘liquid paper’ too. It is used to erase the faulty writing. However, the usage of the pen is very much different from using a pencil. When we had written something wrong with pen, we need to use liquid paper to correct it. The liquid paper will left the scar on the paper and it is very significant that we had written something wrong on the paper. Compare to using a pencil, we just erase it and that is it. Nothing much scar was left on the paper.
Thus, most of us later keep n asking the teacher whether we can use the pencil or not. Actually, it is whenever we were not confident to write down something, we will ask the teacher and request to use the pencil. Why?
This is so that we can correct the wrongly written items on the paper easily. If we use a pen, it takes time for the liquid paper to dry and rewrite the correct writing on the liquid paper sometimes is very difficult. Then, we were taught to just draw a horizontal line over the wrong written letter. This has lead writing to get worse. The paper with the essay writing was like a piece of art of line across the words and letter.
When look back this on me today. It has nothing much different. This is actually what life is as well. As a kid, when we had did something wrong, we can just erase it and correct what we had did wrong. Just like the pencil and eraser. It left nothing much scar on the paper. As we grew adult, this piece of paper will just become part of our memory and sometimes being forgotten as well.
In the adulthood, our lives are just like a pen and liquid paper. Every wrong step will leave a terrible scar on the paper. It takes longer time for use to correct something that we have did wrongly. It is just like waiting for the liquid paper to dry up before we can write the correct letter on it.
When we are kid, whenever we had did something wrong people will be very forgiving. Instead they will think that the wrong step taken by the kid will be the life long experience and it is also the teacher of life that the kid should bring to the last breath of life. However, human is living in reality and not in the ideal situation. We will forget this easily-forgiven lesson and keep on repeating the faults until some scar had permanently curved on our memories. That is why adult want to be kid so much. It is just like using a pencil with a eraser.
As we grew older, our memories and experience will also being piled up. At the same time, our faulty also increases. How do we really want to manage the faulty or mistakes that we had generated is very much depending on how we want to face the consequences. Last but not least, as an adult…we always have the choices to choose to either to use a pen or a pencil to write down our life on a piece of paper…when there are mistake, then you will question yourself…is pen or pencil better…my answer will be…no matter it is pen or pencil…you still have to write…that is life…..
Well, an university student is asking the lecturer whether he can use a pencil to answer his quiz or not. At first I thought it was nothing. I assume it is part of the jokes of the day. After hearing the answer from Miss X, I suddenly think that it is a joke of my life. Her answer is: “Hmm, answer it with pen la…this must be very not confident with yourself. That is why you want to use pencil.”
Like usual, I will deny most of the answer provided by this Miss X. however, this time I had a very different feeling. I had thought a lot about what she said throughout the quiz. My dear reader, think twice…when do we use pencil to write most of the things in our daily lives? When do we use pen to write down all the important notes daily? Think again…
When we are small, I mean when we are kid in the primary school, we were taught to use pencil to write and we were provided with an eraser. When we had written wrong, we can just simply erase the wrongly written letter or words. Then, we rewrite to correct the mistake written earlier. This somehow makes writing seem to have nothing wrong just that there are a bit dirt behind our writing. It sometimes seems to be like the water mark and make the writing perfectly match it.
As we grew older, we are into the maturity phase of our lives. As we enter this phase of life, we had come across many new things and new feeling that we seldom come across as a kid. On of the item being introduce is using the pen. I still remember when I was in Standard 6, most of my friends wanted to use a pen so badly in their homework. I was questioning myself about that. I am wondering why they so wanted to use a pen? For me both the pen and pencil are the same. This is especially black inked pen.
As I enter Form 1, we were asked and forced to use pen to manage our daily homework and teachers usually requires a blue inked pen for that. Just like pencil, we were being introduced with ‘liquid paper’ too. It is used to erase the faulty writing. However, the usage of the pen is very much different from using a pencil. When we had written something wrong with pen, we need to use liquid paper to correct it. The liquid paper will left the scar on the paper and it is very significant that we had written something wrong on the paper. Compare to using a pencil, we just erase it and that is it. Nothing much scar was left on the paper.
Thus, most of us later keep n asking the teacher whether we can use the pencil or not. Actually, it is whenever we were not confident to write down something, we will ask the teacher and request to use the pencil. Why?
This is so that we can correct the wrongly written items on the paper easily. If we use a pen, it takes time for the liquid paper to dry and rewrite the correct writing on the liquid paper sometimes is very difficult. Then, we were taught to just draw a horizontal line over the wrong written letter. This has lead writing to get worse. The paper with the essay writing was like a piece of art of line across the words and letter.
When look back this on me today. It has nothing much different. This is actually what life is as well. As a kid, when we had did something wrong, we can just erase it and correct what we had did wrong. Just like the pencil and eraser. It left nothing much scar on the paper. As we grew adult, this piece of paper will just become part of our memory and sometimes being forgotten as well.
In the adulthood, our lives are just like a pen and liquid paper. Every wrong step will leave a terrible scar on the paper. It takes longer time for use to correct something that we have did wrongly. It is just like waiting for the liquid paper to dry up before we can write the correct letter on it.
When we are kid, whenever we had did something wrong people will be very forgiving. Instead they will think that the wrong step taken by the kid will be the life long experience and it is also the teacher of life that the kid should bring to the last breath of life. However, human is living in reality and not in the ideal situation. We will forget this easily-forgiven lesson and keep on repeating the faults until some scar had permanently curved on our memories. That is why adult want to be kid so much. It is just like using a pencil with a eraser.
As we grew older, our memories and experience will also being piled up. At the same time, our faulty also increases. How do we really want to manage the faulty or mistakes that we had generated is very much depending on how we want to face the consequences. Last but not least, as an adult…we always have the choices to choose to either to use a pen or a pencil to write down our life on a piece of paper…when there are mistake, then you will question yourself…is pen or pencil better…my answer will be…no matter it is pen or pencil…you still have to write…that is life…..
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