Monday, January 17, 2011


I still remember that day very clearly. I woke up very late that day. It is almost afternoon when I woke up. However, the sky does not seem to be in the afternoon mood. It was very solemn and very cloudy. I expected it to rain before evening drop by.
Just an hour after I wake up, it was already raining heavily. I was trapped in the rain, in the middle of the road as I just finish my lunch. No much choice left, I got to park my motor and wait under the crossover bridge while I wait for the rain to get smaller. Since the rain was quite heavy, I can seen some temporary small streams of rain water flowing from the north side of the pathway across my feet to the lower land on the other side.
Sometimes life is just like those temporary small streams of rain water. Our lives are very short and temporary. No one can clearly know when will be the dateline of their own lives. Just like the little stream, they exist and flow when the rain is heavy. They are gone when there is no rain and no one even wanna bother about their existence. However, when rain comes…they are seen everywhere…some being noticed and some just flow by the course of nature without being notice. This is lives. Some people in this world lived to be known by the whole world and some live just to be known by themselves.
Although different but all of us are having the same nature; flowing down the pathway to the lower land. This is a course that we must pass through and we must follow the nature that we are moving to the lower land. Heavy rain will create a larger stream and a greater force of flow. You can bring along all the dust rubbish and those dry leaves along your course. But still you are flowing to the lower land and meet together with all other small stream. So, what is the different?
Smaller stream are not capable in bringing along all those larger leaves, dust and rubbish. But they still need to flow due to nature of gravity. Living in this world, we are very much affected by the nature. However, we tend to be like the large stream of rain water. We thought that we can bring along all those materials and fames along our lives… yes, it might be true that we can bring along all those fame and materials but do not forget that one day; we will be having the same ending - being accumulated in a lower land together with all other smaller streams.
Looking at the smaller stream and larger stream which is next to it, I keep on thinking about one things: how much can we brings along the course of our lives and what can we do with those things we bring along? What can we do when it is time for us to really said goodbye to certain things that we cannot really bring along? Just like the small stream, we still need to flow. If we do not follow te course, we will be accumulated at one area and over flooded. It is still okie if there is no one around to being drown together with you…what if, your stop, the flood that drown yourself had drown other as well?
It is time to really look back in our lives, those materials and fame that we created not necessary needed to be bringing along the course of modernization. Look at those older people, what they have now is what we are going to have as well one day. But the world doesn’t seem to understand as all of us is fighting for the material and fame. Is it a fight that never call for its day until dooms hit? What is important during the course of flow in our lives now? Can anyone really see the real answer for themselves?
Although I can write this out, I had the answer but I tend to ignore it. Do I have a choice? The world nowadays is a world formed by the term of necessary and not necessity…people in the older days live and formed the world based on necessity and not necessary… nowadays, it is necessary to get yourself a degree level to work in the community. It is no longer a necessity for you to work…doesn’t matter it is necessary or necessity, one day…very soon all of us will be like the streams of rain water…being accumulated in the lower land…this is a assurance…

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