Monday, October 4, 2010

will the properity come for a visit again?

It has being a long time since I ever post something over here. Well, I had a lot to write but I do not have the time. However, I had pulled myself up to write about this scene I had seen a few days ago. I was having my dinner at some restaurant nearby my campus. I saw this Chinese family sitting on the table nearby. There are two kids and their parents. On the other table there is another Indian family consisting of a mother and three children. They are all having their male while I had just order my meal. I heard one of the Chinese family kids ask her mom: Mommy, why are the black colour?
Can you guess what did the mother said? I was guessing that the mother will said that they Indian was born to be black skinned due to their genetic. Well, it was quite scientific answer. However, I heard a very different answer and I felt so amazed with the answer…the mother answer is “well, they seldom bath ma…that why their skin is full with ‘daki’ and they all ma black lo” luckily I was not drinking my water. If not I am very sure that I had already spurt out on the spot. It was very funny and I was holding my smile so that the Chinese family does not notice that I am smiling at them.
Then the father supports the answer of his wife: “If Ah Mei (I think is that little girl’s name) no bath probably then will be a black as them lo… if yu dowan be black like them you must bath probably and dun get near them so much in school k”
After listening to the answer of the father, I suddenly had a very cold feeling deep in my heart and I do not feel that their conversation has any humor anymore. Instead I felt a cold sweat sweep through my ears. Luckily the Indian mother and her children do not understand Chinese. Maybe she understand but just ignore them.
I am wondering if this is our community nowadays, the parent guidance for the children is in such a ‘special’ way, then no wonder we have so many blogs and the post on facebook talking about racism. I cannot inaging what kind of mindset the little girl will be when she grow up with the influence about a multiracial society. If she really believes her parents words thatn I bet when she had grown up, she wunt have many Indian friends. Maybe she will just live in the Chinese community.
Parents actually play a very important role in the children cognitive and social development. Any slippage in the parental education will result a hazardous consequences in the future. There are things that about other races that we can make fun with and humorous but when this humor comes into some sensitive thinking, it is no longer a joke.
It is actually a very saddening incident in Malaysia that we can read a lot of articles and post in facebook and blog and other website about faulty belief in religion and negative view of other races believe. We have a very hot issue about the quran book burning by the Christian about 911, we had also heard about the influences of the Christ in depleting the muslim believe. At the same time we also had heard many things about racism.
Have we ever wondered why all these consequences never happen in the older days? I am not a very old man but I had used to grown up in a multi racial environment. My mother had hired two baby sitter to take care of me when I was a baby; an Indian single-mother and a Malay mother with 3 kids. Up to this days, I am still in contact with them. Visiting each other during festive season. My old house allow me to experience the real prosperity living in the multi racial society. Nowadays, me and my family do not really like the new neighborhood because every corner is all Chinese. We prefer the old house because we had all kinds of races in every corner of the neighborhood. This include the Indonesian.
What had made us nowadays is actually what our history is. It is like making a cake. The dough will make the flavor of the cake in the future. However, I do not know where is the part that had went wrong making the society in Malaysia today not like before. If I ever ask this question to any of the minister, I bet I will have the same answer but a different variable. Each race will blame other races for the racism. If that is the answer that will be given by the minister, then no wonder why the olden days will never visit Malaysia again.
I really miss my older days where I can run in and out the house of my neighbor, sleep overnight no matter it is Indian or malay house. I always remember my mom had told me that my grandmother had scolded her for hiring an Indian as a baby sitter. She also got scold for letting me sleep overnight at the malay house. Well, that is what a Malaysian should be I bet. We do not really care what skin colour are you but the feeling of being togetherness as a neighbours. My mom has no worries to let me take care by any races because she believe and confident about my safety with them. Are nowadays mother will be able to do so? I am not sure but I am very thankful that my mom had given me this precious view about multiracial society.
After all, I really hope that the multiracial prosperity will arise and bring back all those old days that I had pass through. I really hope that the mother will think twice about what she had told her little daughther….

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