Monday, September 20, 2010

so called 7 deadly sins......

From facebook, I had read one of my friend post sound like this: “‎7 deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride ... omg i got more than half i guess…”
Some of the sins named in his post I know it very well, some of them I need to search through dictionary to know exactly the meaning. Shame on me…however, I still wanna share this with you all.
From the listed sins, the following table shows the explanation: (all from Longman Dictionary)

This is a feeling that I think I owned very much. I always have a strong desire to have something in my life. I want to be happy, I want to life a very prosperous life where there are no worries and no faulty. However, this is a feeling listed as a sin. I am wondering. How sinful it is to have lust for happiness and prosperity….

Gluttony & Greed:
I think I have this as well sin because I seldom eat a lot but I will buy a lot of food and drinks. Usually I cannot finish them and then last destination of the food will be in the rubbish bin. I am not sure of why but I will buy all the food that I think I will eat. However, when I really want to start eating I will feel full looking at all those foods. It is large wastage. I know it very well but I cannot stop myself. This is what called greed. I am greedy for more foods and drinks. However I cannot finish them and throw them into the rubbish bin. This is pure greed not for power and money but is in sanitation.
I am pretty sure that I do not greed for power as I do not like to hold power in my ability. I feel very uneasy because those who has power in his or her ability will always need to make decision. I do not greed for money too. I never look money as everything in my life but it is part of the needs to survive. I never ask for more money as I do not think I need it. I can life a simple life as I wanted too. Do not need any extra money…

This is very true about me. I am very lazy. Too lazy till sometimes I keep on conflicting with the inner me. I do not know why but sometimes I really want to just lay down and do nothing for a few days, a few weeks and months and years…however, I cannot stand for the boredom too. Thus, I also do not know what I really want….

I am a person that can be easily light up. A simple thing can make me furious and full of anger. A little pressure in life will make me see thing is fire. I seldom cool down when my anger had visited me. It takes times longer than a month for me to really relese all my anger. Or else I need to be alone in some place to find back the calamity in my life…or else most of my friend will get scold from me….bad bad me…

I do have envy deep in myself. This feeling is always there for me. As I look on other people success I will not feel jealous but I really envy his or her successfulness. I hope I am he or she and stand there being awarded or being praised. I hoep that I am an working fellah so that I can owned my own house, my own car and other possessions when I look at those working adult. I used to had this feeling at a very young age of 10 I bet…

I do not like the feeling of pride. Whenever I had something to be proud of, I will keep it so that no people know about it. I do not like people to know about my success because I feel ashamed. Most of them will think that I am just showing off with pride. So I think I do not really have the pride. Thus, not long ago I had lost myself. I do not know what is the point I struggle for my study and other stuuf because I do not really like the feeling of pride….

Actually, the point I share this seven sins is not tho show to you guys that the sins and the effect of having these kind of feeling. I just want to point out that, the so said sins actually is very depend on how the community look at the moral values nowadays. It is not very acceptable to stay together in ahouse before marriage in eastern country but it is well accepted in western country. This is most probably the same when it comes to sin. How can we determine whether the act we had done is a sin or not is very much depend on how the community look on the action. For example is gluttony. Most of friend said that I am wasting my money for the food and they seem to not accept the way I buy my food. Well, I think that it is okie as I think I can really finished the food. However if we are full and we still force ourselves to finished up the food is also wrong. We are making our body to suffer later.
An action is said to be sin or not is very much depend on how you feel and think when you do the action and not what other people said about your act. This seems to be very self centered and I admit it that I am a person that very self centered and I do not really care about what other people said about me. For me, they just can see the physical me and never the inner me. However, I do not mean that we can be that self centered till kill other people is correct. Be rational and be strong on what you believe in. just let the community busy with their so called moral values and civics. The most important is still how you think about your act….


harmless said...

wonder in which religion yg u baca tu? because in my religion also hv the 7 deadly sin.... but very different frm what u hv listed....

stanley said...

aloi...i baca dari blOg di facebook....