Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something very impressive my mom said this holiday…

This season greeting, I had spent the most time at home with my family. After all, we had being travelling from the day I am home until the day they sent me back to college. It is fascinating and impressive but at the same time tiring and physically suffered. I remember very well that in one of the day trip my mom had said this in the car: well, after so many years of hard works, now I am just an old hen without much fur on my body.
Well, I was so deeply touched by her words. Suddenly, I had so much to feel about my mom. Actually her phrase was made after my dad said that they both (my parents) seldom go for vacation if there is no special event. My mom felt that her existence is priceless. Nevertheless, she felt that her husband will just bring her to vacation if the children are home. That is why she felt that she is a hen without much fur on her body. After all the hard works in supporting the four little chicks (me and my siblings) to be adult, her existence is no longer much important to the cock (my dad).
This is my parents conversation in the car that day…I remember it very well…
Dad: Haiya, you aren’t that priceless la. I also got bring you walk here and there ma
Mom: Yes lorh….if your son did not come back, I was nowhere to go. You will always said that it is boring to face you everywhere.
Dad: You said it is hot and humid put there. So, better watch movie at home.
Mom: hmm…after you said that you are boring to see my face, what else can I said??? Last time, when all of them (me and my siblings) are still kids, you will always bring us here and there. Now I know why…it is because I can help you to guard the kids and take care of them. It is like a hen with the chicks around her. Now, when all the chicks are grown up, the cock no longer need the hen to take care of the chick and can simply go for a walk without the hen…
All of us were silent in the car and have a small smile on our face. The statement is quiet funny and yet it is quiet true I bet. When we used to be kids, mom will always be by our side. It doesn’t matter what the event is and what the problem is. She is always there for the kids. Just like the chicks and the hen. Have you ever question whether it is the chicks that follow the hen or the hen that follow her chicks. I can tell you the answer that the hen is always following the chicks. You can ask the Kampung people. They knew that the best was to capture the hen is just simply trap one of the little chick in the barn. The hen will turn round and round the barn with other chicks.
It is the same in our daily life. Mom will never leave their children. However, when the children had grown up to be an adult, it is not necessary that they will always be there for the mother. This is not a rules or a course that must be followed but it is the reality that most of us is practicing.
When we were kid, whenever we are sick, our mom will be the one which is most worried. Never to forget about our dad as well. However, a mom effort does more than dad. She will find the correct medicine and the best physician to heal us. This is not that obvious in a normal kid life. You can see it in the pediatric department of most of the hospital. Most of the mother that has a child administer in this department is actually a half professional nurse. They will know when and what medicine the patient should take. When is the time to take the temperature, when is the time for blood test and other things that a nurse will do. Mom is not just doing it but they can be doubling more professional that a nurse can be.
Every mom thinks that their children deserve anything that available in their ability. I had seen a mother with an Down syndrome son. I bet her son is around his twenties. She brings her Down syndrome son to a five-star-hotel for swimming in the swimming pool there. She doesn’t care what other people will think about her son. I can see from this mother that she always think that her son deserve everything that a normal kid can have. Her face is very determinant and she knew that her son has nothing much different from other kids. Out of a sudden, I feel so touched. I think back what my mom had did for me. It is actually the same. The entire mother in this world is just the same. Sacrificing for their kids but not asking anything back.
However, when the kid grown up. The situation will be a little bit different. The child that the mother sacrifices for is not the mother or the father of another kid. He or she learns to sacrifice for his or her son and slowly forgetting the one that had sacrifice for them previously. At this moment, the mother (which is now grandmother) will need someone in return as a company. Who will that be? The answer will be her husband.
After all these years of bringing up the children, when they are all adult, the best companion will never be you r children but it is your wife or your husband. My mom will always told me that, one day me and my siblings will have our own life and family but not her or her husband that come into concern. When I first heard that I thought my mom was just playing some tricks so that next time we will look after her. But now I found out that this is very true. She knows that very well. The mom that I used to think is just an simple woman that just know how to cook at home actually had a wisdom which is far more better than me who is in university. She just finished her primary school.
After all, now is her best time. Like she said, it is actually the time for her and her husband to honeymoon and did the things and go the place that they long for. As the son of my parents, all I hope is that they will be happily ever after.

P/S: no one will know when is his or her time to leave this world. Thus, it is best to spent all the precious time available with our beloved one as much as possible because they are gone they really gne. Not just the person that is gone but all the going to be sweet memories will not happened….

1 comment:

harmless said...

hmmm..... writing and call back memories isn't enuff.... go back often to visit your mum... the precious present for her....