Sunday, December 20, 2009

it is so lame but it is true...

Many people had said that when it come to a diverged road and we have to choose one, we will always said it is the road not taken...Recently, i had went to a camping site, our last activities was rafting. We were brought 20km away from our camp site and we were requested to raft back to the jetty near our camp site. Throughout my my rafting journey with my 8 other group members, we had met a lots of corners and turns. There are three particular turns that take a deep memories in my heart. The corner looks like a diverging stream one is to the lefet and the other is to the right.

Since our group was the first or the leading group, we were some sort like need to make the decision. After a few seconds of discussion, we round up and decide to take right. However, as we raft nearer to the diverging road, we started to laughed. It was not a diverging stream but just a big turn. There is just one stream...We met this situation three times but as a fast learner, during the second one we did not make any fast decision but wait until we almost reach the junction which once again make the fool of our eyes.

When we almost reach to the jetty, the stream is getting faster and stronger. At that moment, there are a few instructor gave us a few instructions. One of them requested us to stop by the jetty while the other order us to stop by a small island in the middle of the river. At that moment we were so confused. We do not really know which way to go. Luckily one of the instructor voice was laud enough for us to decide we need to raft to the right side. Thus, we reached safely.

When we landed, the instructors scolded us for not obeying his instruction and so on. He said that if we are not able to make the right turn just not at the correct timing, we will meet the rocky area and our raft will be broken and all of the members on the raft will flow down the stream to the other places. Death maybe awaiting at the end of the stream. As part of the learner, all of us just take it for granted but i was not that satisfied.

It is true that the instructor was full with experience and knowledge in rafting. However, it also does not mean that what is being said about the river is always true.Who knows that we might survive at the end of the stream and our raft is still in proper condition even passing through the rocky area. If we really not able to make that right turn, i think we might be able to create another story rather than the one told by the instructor.

However,no matter how much i feel is always the road not taken. Our raft has chosen to make a right turn and not the left turn. Once the raft had make the turn, it already decided the next event that is the internal conflict about the other decision. This phenomenon actually always happen in our lives. Daily we will always look back at the point where we make decision and have the internal conflict about the ending if the other choices were take. However, people will always said that, you had already choosen this path and you must continue it until the end. it doesnt matter how the other road that you did not take will lead you to but what you are having and facing not is most important for your survival.

Sometimes, the proverbs "it is always the road not taken" seems very lame and as an excuse for people who regret over the decision they made. However, no matter how lame it was, the reality always prove that the proverbs is always true...

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