Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes It Is Just So Invisible....

As i grown up...many things seems to be so perfect if things is without friends...if every events happened without friends then everything might be just as smooth as i wanted too...however, it is just a case of avoiding the reality of life...

For me there is not pal better than a tiger doll. It cannot speak, it does not has feeling, it does not has ideology and the most important is that he does not has a life. He is an artificial friend to me. Simply it is the imaginative me in my own world. I am the one who manipulate it and i am the one will think of what it will say and what it will do. It is just within myself but i just take it as a friend in my own dimension.

Friends sometimes is good for sharing. Because they are given a life, they go have their own ideology and their own feeling. They are easily hurt and easily touched. No matter what we did on them, it is just always a question mark on how they feel.

Sometimes it is so better to be alone. Nobody will ever get angry nor being unhappy with what had did. It will just lead a normal life without friends...but then am i right??? If it is true, then the world will be as cold as antarctic and world will be just a line of silent throughout the horizon.

I am just wondering...friends...i have those controlling friend...friends i can manipulate...friend i can share...friend i can work with...friend just for saying hi....but none of them will last wrong...i am not sure of the reason...most of them said it is my fault...the fault they said i did which i never realise...the wrong i did thought it is....whose fault it is???

i never know the answer...it is such an unanswerable question...all i think is...just to be alone....alone with the one who love me and understand me...not just about my tiger doll...that lead my life of friend...


harmless said...

i tak jadi komen la.....

Hooi Lee 惠立 said...
