Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Begining and The Ending

Every beginning never comes that easily
Every ending never promise a vanished memory
The beginning never construct the ending
The ending never call for itself

Once it started, it will never stop,
Once it stop, it will never ends,
When it comes to feeling,
Adam can easily forget about this,
Eva will always remind him about it

It is...
A churning wheel....
Once it move, it continues to move,
Once it stops, it never proves it stops forever,

("-) days and night, we experience many kind of feelings either happy, sad, moody, angry and so on...if i am able to list it will be a page full of words.

Once we had a feeling on someone, that feeling will grow stronger and stronger. If i was to be angry with a fellow so call "A" before he i be-friended with him...i will get more and more angry with him throughout the days we are together as friend....this feeling will might not meet its end until we both burst up...

however, after the quarrel or fight, it does not means that everything will end on the spot. It might be that the hatred feeling had changed into another form of feeling. This is what i mean by every beginning never meets it ends....

(this might be something stupid...but it is how i feel today...)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Set induksi yang berkesan...atau tak...haha....

Di sebuah sekolah rendah, seorang guru (mana-mana pelajaran pun boleh) yang begitu dedikasi mengajar anak-anak muridnya tentang betapa bahaya minuman keras (arak) kepada kesihatan badan manusia. Sebelum memulakan mata pelajarannya (set induksilah tu…), guru telah menyediakan bahan sumber pengajarannya iaitu 2 ekor cacing yang hidup, dua biji gelas yang masing-masing berisi air mineral dan arak.

Tanpa memberi penerangan berhubung dengan kajian (set induksi) yang akan dilakukannya, guru meminta murid-murid memerhati uji kaji tersebut.

“Cuba perhatikan murid-murid…. lihat bagaimana saya akan memasukkan cacing –cacing ini ke dalam kedua –dua gelas yang berisi air mineral dan air arak. Perhatikan betul-betul. “

“Baik..cacing di sebelah kanan saya akan dimasukkan ke dalam gelas berisi air mineral. Manakala cacing sebelah kiri saya pula akan dimasukkan ke dalam gelas berisi air arak. Perhatikan betul-betul.”

Semua mata tertumpu pada kedua-dua ekor cacing tersebut. Suasana menjadi senyap sunyi. Mereka ingin tahu apa yang berlaku kepada ke dua-duanya.

cacing mabuk

Seperti dijangkakan, cacing yang berada dalam gelas yang berisi air mineral itu berenang-renang (dengan gembiranya ….. he….. he….. he….. ) di dasar gelas tanpa menghadapi apa-apa masalah. Manakala cacing yang berada di dalam gelas yang berisi air arak, mengelupur lalu mati. Hal ini mengundang perasaan takut kepada pelajar apabila melihat cacing mati dalam kadar segera setelah dimasukkan ke dalam gelas berisi air arak.

Wah… cikgu tersenyum lebar apabila melihat anak-anak muridnya memberikan sepenuh tumpuan pada ujikajinya sebentar tadi. Dengan penuh semangat, guru bertanya kepada murid tentang kesimpulan yang diperolehi hasil kajian yang dilihat oleh mereka.

“Baiklah murid-murid, apa yang kamu dapat pelajari dari ujikaji yang telah cikgu tunjukkan sebentar tadi?”

Dengan penuh yakin anak-anak muridnya menjawab,


Guru itu menepuk dahinya…adoooi…he..he…he…


A Never Ending Stories...

When Night Falls
Daylight shining,
Another night was coming.

Star shine brightly
Over brightly of the lovely moon
It just never stay long

There are times...
There are moment...
Somewhere and some time
Things had been turning round and round...

The Sun has never fail to appear,
The bright light has never break its promise
Giving lives to the whole Earth.

Moon is different
It shown itself at some times some moment
Somehow never appear full through out the year...
It is the human nature..

This is a quite un - understandable peom... the first moment i saw it...i just feels it is just describing the nature of mother Earth...but i change my mindset when i look at the last sentence..."it is the human nature"

might it be that the poet is describing the human nature in thier mood...there are times where we have good mood and bad mood. it just look like
the moon. it might be that the whole time we are being bad mood and do not like to show up...

It is a warmth and calm sun - set...

This is what actually happened on the Sun...
On the other side, there are another kind of people (the sun) that always shown up their bright smile and happy face. However, who will ever know how does he or she feels??? has we ever wonder over the bright and shining sun had billion of reaction and boombarment...

or am i being too skeptical...haha...

Friday, September 11, 2009

HE Has Always Teach Us A Value...

There are times that mankind will make mistakes raging from the simple and smallest mistakes to a huge one that might even cost them their lives. All of these faulty error is a must in our lives to ensure that at the end of our life ling journey, we had completed every single little things. However not most of us are able to do so, am i right?

One evening, i had went to Kuala Selangor in one of the filed trip and a helper. It was the second trip and there is another last trip for this semester. Each and every of the trips is quite interesting and i learn a lot of things. I would like to highlight a very importasnt event in this trip.

Once we reach, all of the students including me went to the Taman Alam recreational park to observe the 'silver leaf monkey'. it is part of the antology study. It will be very interesting if the one who observe them is absorbing and applying what they learnt theoritically on what they had seen(did yu guys understnad what i am talking???)

On that evening, out of no where, three monkeys...(not the targeted species) showing their arrogant - self to the full curiosity visitor(this is us if i am not mistaken). Among three of them, two ware female and another one was a male monkey. All of a sudden, the make monkey(not sure whether did he really erected o not) copulate with one of the female monkey.

Well, this is not much of a surprise to me. It is normal for the monkey to copulate any place they wanted or whenever thay get aroused. It is the rules of the nature. The things is that matter is the people that observes it. They scream and shout as if they are the female monkey that copulating.(Am i overing the border???) Of course not everyone is shouting and screaming, just a small part of them. However, the deed of this small group of people had give an impact on the copulating monkey. They stop copulating. Unfortunately, all i can say is the process of copulating was fail. (It does not matter anyway...they can make it later that night...haha...)

At that moment, i realise one thing that is very special about copulation. It is a process that HE ensure the continuity of the species on Earth. It is a process that gives pleasure to the individual involved(might it be that mankind are the only species need the term pleasure in copulation).

To copulate is a very easy thing. Just like the animal, they just need to stick together for a few minutes or hours to aroused themselve until they ejaculated into the female sexual organ. The following events actually is all depend on the destiny of the new individuals. Have you ever think this phenomenon in a bit different way???

Everything production of a new thinngs on Earth cost a payment. In order for a mother to deliver a baby, they need to copulate. It is a simple process that lead to a very big event that might cost the mother her life. Most of us think that the pain suffered by the mother during delivery actually is very normal. They need to stretch out their bone to push the baby out...Physically it seems to be like that...but many of the mother had also lost their lives during the delivery process. In order to give out a new life, sometimes another precious life must be sacrificed. Why does this happened???

It all comes from the simple mistake that might occur from the copulation process to fertilization process, trimester and until the process of delivery. Every single mistake will cost a large impact on the coming process...

To make it simple,a young lady has sex with her boyfriend before they married. In the end they broke up due to her the end, the baby might be killed before he or she is delivered...or being thrown into rubbish bin as if it is just a bag of rubbish...or they baby might be born as an orphanage or an adult individual without complete parental loves or that individual might grown up with a hatred-filling heart. This kind of event is no longer something new to us and from this event HE is actually giving us some clues...From a very small mistake of having sex before marriage will cause many other bad things to happened. This is what i seen, a very simple mistakes usually leads to a large bad event in the later days.

It might be just as simple mistake as throwing rubbish into the drain, forgotten to close the lids of the petrol tank, leakage of gas in your stove and that usually full of mistakes...mistakes...and mistakes...

I guess all i wrote here is very clear in everyones mind...however, did all of us take this into account in our lives??? We have proverbs...failure is the key of success...everyone makes mistakes...but just how far and what scale of mistake are we able to afford now??? We just never learnt from mistake...we are just creating new mistakes....(this is very subjective...people might think that discovery of new mistakes is a discovery of new theory and far does this meant to be true???)

A miscariage of a baby along with the death of the mother due to the falling down from a slippery is a incident that gives others knowledge that not to fell down during pregnancy...becareful with the slippery this what it meant by the cost of new knowledge which is not 100% correct???


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes It Is Just So Invisible....

As i grown up...many things seems to be so perfect if things is without friends...if every events happened without friends then everything might be just as smooth as i wanted too...however, it is just a case of avoiding the reality of life...

For me there is not pal better than a tiger doll. It cannot speak, it does not has feeling, it does not has ideology and the most important is that he does not has a life. He is an artificial friend to me. Simply it is the imaginative me in my own world. I am the one who manipulate it and i am the one will think of what it will say and what it will do. It is just within myself but i just take it as a friend in my own dimension.

Friends sometimes is good for sharing. Because they are given a life, they go have their own ideology and their own feeling. They are easily hurt and easily touched. No matter what we did on them, it is just always a question mark on how they feel.

Sometimes it is so better to be alone. Nobody will ever get angry nor being unhappy with what had did. It will just lead a normal life without friends...but then am i right??? If it is true, then the world will be as cold as antarctic and world will be just a line of silent throughout the horizon.

I am just wondering...friends...i have those controlling friend...friends i can manipulate...friend i can share...friend i can work with...friend just for saying hi....but none of them will last wrong...i am not sure of the reason...most of them said it is my fault...the fault they said i did which i never realise...the wrong i did thought it is....whose fault it is???

i never know the is such an unanswerable question...all i think is...just to be alone....alone with the one who love me and understand me...not just about my tiger doll...that lead my life of friend...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cuti!!! Cuti!!! Cuti!!!

terasa sungguh tenang dalam cuti sehari ini...dah lama tidak merasai perasaan cuti...haha...tapi seperti biasa, masa cuti ini tidak akan saya sia - siakan begitu sahaja... lar nak lakukan aper dalam masa cuti sehari ini. katakan ia panjang x la panjang sangat cutinya, kata ia pendek x lar pendek sangat. haha....konklusi, ia merupakan cuti sehari juga lar...(sukernyer merepek!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

namun, cuti bagi saya mempunyai definasi yang sangat berlainan. ramai yang menganggap cuti merupakan masa untuk berehat dan bersuka ria tapi bagi saya cuti merupakan masa bagi saya untuk memikirkan perkara di luar kotak...inilah masa untuk kita mencari idea baru dan juga mecari landasan baru bagi perjalanan hidup saya...

mungkin inilah sebabnya saya tidak pernah rase jemu dalam masa cuti saya. saya masih ingat, pernah sekali saya melancong ke Terengganu waktu musim cuti...masa itu bukan musin tengkujuh, jadi dapat saya menyelam bersama kawan - kawan saya dalam kawasan air yang sungguh jernih sekali. (peliknya i x taw berenang...haha...)

dalam menyelam itu, tiba - tiba i terpikiak untuk hidup sebagai pelayar...haha...memang melucakan tetapi itulah perkara yang saya sering pikirkan semasa menyelam. selepas selesai berenang, ideologi untuk menjadi pelayar masih dalam kepala hoak saya...tidak tahu mengapa...mungkin saya tertark dengan keadaan sekitar kawasan saya menyelam kut...

namun, apabila saya menaiki bas untuk kembali ke kampung halaman, saya rasa diri saya telah kembali ke dunia realiti. sepanjang perjalanan, saya terkenang semula keadaan persekitaran dalam kawasan air yang jernih itu. sungguh tenang dan harmoni. namun itu bukan lah hidup yang saya inginkan.

dari saat itulah , saya telah menjumpai sesuatu prinsip hidup dalam diri saya - jangan mudah melepaskan diri anda. tidak kira dalam ape jua perkara sekalipun, kebebasan kita sabagai umat yang berakal ialah untuk berfikir. namun, pemikiran yang tidak logik senantiasa melanda kita. oleh itu, kita harus senantiasa berwaspada agar tidak terjerumus dalam pemikiran itu. jadi janganlah terlalu membebaskan diri anda terpengarauh dengan persekitaran.

itulah salah satu prinsip yang saya amalkan - prinsip yang saya tercari dalam cuti 5 tahun yang lepas. namun, kini segalanya telah berubah...u dah kehilangan prinsip hidup saya sendiri...ntah lar apakah hala tuju i yang sebenarnya...haiz...alangkahnya baiknya jika i dapat bercuti lagi....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009